
Getting started with Azure Static Web Apps

June 30, 2020
Development, Microsoft Azure, DevOps, GitHub
microsoft azure, azure cli, azure static web app, devops, github actions, hugo

In the last article, I talked about how to deploy a Hugo static site to Azure storage and CDN using GitHub Actions. Setting up that pipeline however had many steps, and could perhaps be considered a bit abstruse. With the advent of the new Static Web App service, Microsoft has now significantly simplified the same solution. Within a few clicks on Azure Portal, your web app (in a GitHub repository) can be automatically configured for CI/CD via GitHub Actions and published to Azure. ...

Deploy Hugo static site to Azure Storage and Azure CDN using GitHub Actions

June 23, 2020
Development, Microsoft Azure, DevOps, GitHub
microsoft azure, azure blob storage, azure cli, devops, github actions, hugo, azure cdn

You may have noticed the impressive speed at which this website loads. This is because it was built using a static site generator (Hugo) and deployed to Azure (Blob) Storage, with caching enabled via Azure CDN. This deployment configuration allows us to enjoy one of the cheapest solutions, with an estimated cost of £1 per month for storage and CDN. Right, to the main topic: GitHub Actions # GitHub Actions provides the flexibility to setup a CI/CD workflow, allowing us to automate our build, test and deployment pipelines. ...