Deploy Hugo static site to Azure Storage and Azure CDN using GitHub Actions

June 23, 2020
Development, Microsoft Azure, DevOps, GitHub
microsoft azure, azure blob storage, azure cli, devops, github actions, hugo, azure cdn

Introduction #

You may have noticed the impressive speed at which this website loads. This is because it was built using a static site generator (Hugo) and deployed to Azure (Blob) Storage, with caching enabled via Azure CDN. This deployment configuration allows us to enjoy one of the cheapest solutions, with an estimated cost of £1 per month for storage and CDN. Right, to the main topic:

GitHub Actions #

GitHub Actions provides the flexibility to setup a CI/CD workflow, allowing us to automate our build, test and deployment pipelines. This means we can define a workflow to automatically build and deploy our web application to Azure Storage and Azure CDN based on Git repository events i.e. push or pull-request.

Hugo workflow #

The overall plan is to configure a GitHub Actions workflow, so that with every push to our release branch (master), website resources are built, minified and copied over to Azure Storage. The workflow should also purge the Azure CDN cache as a final action.

We’ve categorized the steps to be taken in the outline below:

Create keys and credentialsStep 1. Retrieve Azure Storage connection string
Step 2. Create a Service Principal (for Azure CDN)
Step 3. Create a GitHub Personal Access Token
Securely persist keys and credentialsStep 4. Configure GitHub Secrets
Setup and deploy CI/CD workflowStep 5. Configure GitHub Actions workflow

Prerequisites #

Before you start, make sure to have the following requirements in place:

  • We expect you to have configured your Azure Storage account to serve static web content.
  • The Azure CDN should also be linked to the Storage account.

If you need to setup the prerequisites, the following documentations should help:

Steps #

Step 1. Retrieve Azure Storage connection string #

You can access your Storage account connection string via Azure Portal or the Azure CLI. We’ll go over the two options starting with the Portal:

  1. Open Azure Portal.

  2. Navigate to Storage accounts and select your storage account.

  3. Select Access keys under Settings in the sidebar.

  4. Copy the Connection string value for key1 or key2.

    Azure Storage connection string

Alternatively, to get the connection string using Azure CLI, you can use Azure Cloud Shell on Azure Portal, or perhaps install and configure the CLI on your local development machine.

To retrieve a Storage account connection string via CLI:

  1. Login to your Azure account if you haven’t yet. This step is not required when using Azure Cloud Shell because you’ll be automatically authenticated on Azure Portal.

    az login
  2. Replace <group-name> with the name of your resource group, <storage-account> with the name of your storage account, and run this command:

    az storage account show-connection-string -g <group-name> -n <storage-account>

    The result from the execution of the command should look similar to this:

      "connectionString": "<connection-string>"
  3. Copy the value in place of <connection-string>.

Step 2. Create a Service Principal (for Azure CDN) #

There are various ways to create a service principal. Again, you can approach this through Azure Portal, Azure Cloud Shell or using Azure CLI on your local machine.

We will not cover the steps using Azure Portal in this post. This guide from Microsoft is detailed and covers all steps required.

Follow the steps below to create and access your service principal credentials using Azure CLI:

  1. Replace myApp in the command below with an appropriate name for your service principal, <subscription-id> with your Azure Subscription ID, and <group-name> with the name of your resource group. Subsequently, run the command.

    az ad sp create-for-rbac --name "myApp" --role contributor --scopes /subscriptions/<subscription-id>/resourceGroups/<group-name> --sdk-auth
    As of the date this article was published, letter/white spaces invalidates the name of a service principal. Hence not allowed.

    The results of the executed command should look similar to this:

        "clientId": "<client-id>",
        "clientSecret": "<client-secret>",
        "subscriptionId": "<subscription-id>",
        "tenantId": "<tenant-id>",
        "activeDirectoryEndpointUrl": "",
        "resourceManagerEndpointUrl": "",
        "activeDirectoryGraphResourceId": "",
        "sqlManagementEndpointUrl": "",
        "galleryEndpointUrl": "",
        "managementEndpointUrl": ""
  2. Copy the json result.

Step 3. Create a GitHub Personal Access Token #

A crucial step is to enable the GitHub Actions workers to successfully authenticate and access the content of our repository, for deployment. This is achieved using a personal access token generated from your GitHub account.

In order to create a personal access token:

  1. Open GitHub, and go to Settings.

    Go to GitHub Settings
  2. Navigate to Developer settings > Personal access tokens > Generate new token.

    Go to Personal access tokens
  3. Complete the Note field, tick/check the public_repo option and click Generate Token.

    Create Personal access tokens
    It is important to apply the Principle of Least Privilege when creating tokens and access credentials. Only select the roles/permissions needed for a task.
  4. Copy the generated token.

    Copy Personal access tokens

Step 4. Configure GitHub Secrets #

Instead of hard-coding the connection strings and credentials in your workflow file, you can securely save them in GitHub secret manager. These secrets will be encrypted at rest and decrypted automatically when referenced as environment variables in the workflow file.

Never leave plain secrets your workflow file. Secrets will be committed to your repository and could become publicly available on the internet.

To save your secrets in GitHub secret manager:

  1. Open GitHub and browse your repository.

  2. Go to Settings > Secrets > New secret.

    Create new GitHub Secret
  3. Save your storage account connection string, using the name AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING.

    Save new GitHub Secret
  4. Save service principal credentials using AZURE_CREDENTIALS as name.

  5. Save the name of your resource group as AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP.

  6. Save your Azure CDN Endpoint as AZURE_CDN_ENDPOINT.

    It was a bit tricky to identify this in Azure Portal. As such, kindly find the endpoint and profile names highlighted. You can see this your resource group or All resources view.

    Azure CDN and Profile Names
  7. Save the Azure CDN profile name as AZURE_CDN_PROFILE_NAME.

  8. Finally, save your GitHub personal access token as TOKEN.

Step 5. Configure GitHub Actions workflow #

With your keys and credentials configured, you can now setup the GitHub Actions workflow.

  1. Copy and save the code below in a file named: build-and-deploy.yaml under the path /.github/workflows. The file is also hosted on GitHub.

    name: CI/CD Release Pipeline
          - master
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
          - name: Git Checkout
            uses: actions/checkout@v2
          - name: Setup Hugo
            uses: peaceiris/actions-hugo@v2
              hugo-version: "0.71.0"
              extended: true
          - name: Setup Azure Service Principal
            uses: azure/login@v1.1
              creds: ${{ secrets.AZURE_CREDENTIALS }}
          - name: Build Project
            run: hugo --minify
          - name: Release Assets
            uses: peaceiris/actions-gh-pages@v3
              personal_token: ${{ secrets.TOKEN }}
              publish_dir: ./public
          - name: Upload Assets To Azure Blob Storage
            uses: azure/CLI@v1
              azcliversion: 2.6.0
              inlineScript: |
                az storage blob delete-batch -s "\$web" --connection-string "${{ secrets.AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING }}"
                az storage blob upload-batch -d "\$web" -s ./public --connection-string "${{ secrets.AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING }}"
          - name: Purge Azure CDN Resources
              az cdn endpoint purge -n ${{ secrets.AZURE_CDN_ENDPOINT }} --profile-name ${{ secrets.AZURE_CDN_PROFILE_NAME }} --content-paths "/*" --resource-group ${{ secrets.AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP }} --no-wait
          - name: Dispose Azure Service Principal Session
            run: |
              az logout
  2. Commit and push these changes.

  3. Browse your repository on GitHub. Select Actions tab to see the progress of your build and deployment.

    Save new GitHub Secret
  4. Open the website to check for updated content.

  5. Fin

You can find the demo project here on GitHub.

Further Reading #

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